Welcome to the Wisconsin Amateur Radio Club Web Page
Our Story . . .

The Wisconsin Amateur Radio Club (WiARC) has been in existence for many years in the Germantown/Menomonee Falls area of Southeast Wisconsin. Formerly known as the Falls Radio Club, we have expanded our reach in recent years with our new name, new club call sign (W9CQ), and a renewed focus on the technical and historical aspects of Amateur Radio and Communications. We have broadened our horizons without losing our focus on providing emergency services to the Germantown Police Department
and Froedtert Community Memorial Hospital.

Club Officers

Dave Griffin, KB9PRF 

Neal Degner, WA9WYI

Phil Rebensburg, KC9CI

Dave Schornack, W0AH

Meetings are monthly on the LAST Wednesday night of every Month.
(Except for December when the meeting is a bit earlier in the month due to the holidays.)

For questions relating to meetings, contact the club us at WiARC9@gmail.com.

Meeting Time is 7:00 PM - Meetings In-Person at the Germantown Police Department
and are also on Zoom.
Meeting Room opens at about 6:30 PM. Zoom Session is Open at about 6:40 PM
(Please check your Zoom Client for Updates before each meeting.)

Note here a brief review of our upcoming programs. Join us!!

28 August 2024
Crimp Connectors - Dean Berglund, KC9REN

25 September 2024
Grounding and Bonding - Kristen McIntyre, K6WX
First Vice President, ARRL
Hosted by: Neal Degner, WA9WYI

30 October 2024
To Be Determined - Watch this Space

27 November 2024
To Be Determined - Watch this Space

18 December 2024 (Note Out of Sequence Date)
2024 ARRL Update

>> Do you have a Program you would like to present? <<
Send your ideas via CONTACT US on this website.

Our Repeaters and Our Weekly 70 CM Net . . .

If you are a Technician Class or higher Amateur Radio Operator, join us on our club repeaters:

W9CQ Repeater on 70-Centimeters – 442.875 MHz, Plus Offset, 127.3 PL Tone
(The W9CQ 70-Centimeter Repeater is owned by Phil Rebensburg, KC9CI, and is provided for our use.)
(The Trustee for this Repeater is Dave Schornack, WØAH.)
This Repeater is accessible on Echolink at Node 576754

W9CQ Repeater on 2-Meters - 147.285 MHz, Plus Offset, 127.3 PL Tone
(The 2-Meter Repeater is owned by Wisconsin Amateur Radio Club.)
(The Trustee for this Repeater is Dave Schornack, WØAH.)
This is a Yaesu C4FM repeater - It is accessible via Analog or Yaesu System Fusion Digital.
Check for Details: http://systemfusion.yaesu.com/what-is-system-fusion/

Join our Monday Night Net at 8:00 PM, Local Time, on the 70 Centimeter Repeater

W9CQ Repeaters are Open to All.
(Except when in use for Special Events or Emergency Communications)